For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team of CPAs and business consultants have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Fraud Detection & Reporting

As a leader, the greatest assets you need to protect are your clients, employees and reputation. Losses due to fraud, employee litigation and unsafe conditions cost businesses over $3.5 trillion dollars a year. Are you and your firm at risk? StoneBridge Business Partners (SBP) now provides the most effective method to detect and prevent these issues from happening to you.

Powered by Red Flag Reporting, the SBP ethics hotline and on-line portal system is recognized as the number one method of identifying and reporting unethical or unsafe conditions so you can prevent any threat to your firm’s long-term sustainability.

Advantages and Attributes

  • A 24/7 access for employees, strategic partners and suppliers
  • An easy to use and completely confidential telephone and on-line reporting system
  • The ability to make reports in English and Spanish
  • Certified Fraud Examiners to review each report
  • Posters and wallet cards to create employee awareness and ease of access
  • Quarterly e-mails to employees and newsletters to management
  • A live fraud awareness seminar and pre-recorded issue awareness webinars
  • Detailed reports to pre-designated members of your organization
  • “Reduced Risk” and increased “Peace of mind”

Elements of Implementation

Employee Training

The first step to protecting your organization is to have each employee attend a StoneBridge training and awareness seminar where they will learn how to spot problems and report them. This session also sets a tone that your organization will not tolerate unethical or unsafe behavior.


Implementing a safe and completely confidential method for employees to report suspicious behavior or unsafe conditions encourages employees to take action without fear of identification or retaliation.

Expert and Professional Implementation

Engaging an independent party to collect and manage reports allows employees to be more candid. Once a case is submitted, a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) will evaluate the case and make a recommendation to pre-designated members of your organization. If further investigation is desired, our team of forensic accountant and crisis management consultants will be available to assist you.

“Establishing a hotline and on-line portal allows employers to address a situation early in the complaint cycle before it ends up in court. In addition, the SBP system eliminates an employee’s excuse that they had nowhere to turn.” Ray Dunkle, CPA, CFE, CFF and President of Red Flag Reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should our company consider the StoneBridge System?
Powered by Red Flag Reporting, the SBP ethics hotline and on-line portal system is recognized as the number one method of identifying and reporting unethical or unsafe conditions so you can prevent any threat to your firm’s long-term sustainability.

Who should use the Ethics Hotline?
Employees, vendors, customers/clients and other interested parties should use the hotline whenever unethical or unsafe behavior is witnessed, experienced or suspected.

When should I file a report?
As noted above, employees, vendors, customers/clients and other interested parties should use the hotline whenever unethical behavior is witnessed, experienced or suspected. All reports will be handled confidentially.

What if I have a question about whether to file a report?
Generally, if you have witnessed, experienced or suspected unethical behavior, you should speak directly with management or file a report. Again, reports are handled with strict confidentiality to the degree permitted by law and those accused are assumed to be innocent unless proven otherwise.

What types of situations should I report?
Report HR type concerns such as threats, improper management practices, conduct violations, discrimination, sexual harassment, vandalism, sabotage, safety concerns, substance abuse, etc.

You should also report financial concerns such as employee theft, management fraud, accounting abnormalities, internal control weaknesses, fictitious employees and/or timecards, etc.

What should NOT be reported to the Ethics Hotline?
The Ethics Hotline should not be used to report general complaints that do not have ethical implications. The Ethics Hotline should not be used to file intentionally false reports. If a report is proven to be intentionally false, there can be legal consequences for the filer. There will be no legal consequences for reports filed in good faith that turn out to be without merit.

How do I file a report?
There are two ways to file. Call 1-877-647-3335 for a live Certified Fraud Examiner 24/7 or visit www.redflagreporting.com. To use either approach, you will need your Client Code, which is found on your wallet card and which is generally the primary 10 digit phone number (no dashes) for your organization.

How do you provide for individuals outside the organization to report?
The SBP system may be disclosed to outside parties via websites, mailers, newsletters, notations on invoices, publicly displayed posters and any other appropriate method of communication.

What happens after I submit a report?
Reports are screened by an independent certified fraud examiner prior to being released to pre-designated members of your organization’s management team. If the designated member of the management team is named in the report, the report will be distributed to an alternative member of the management team. If you have disclosed your contact information but have not authorized it to be disclosed to management, it will be removed before management sees the report. Once management has received the report, an investigation will commence.

How can I check on the status of my report or submit additional information after I’ve filed my report?
You can contact SBP at 1-877-676-6551 and they will connect you with the representative handling your report. You may also file follow-up reports. In either case, you will want to retain and reference the report number assigned to your original report.

How can I be sure that my report will remain anonymous and confidential?
Whether you file by phone or via the internet, and, if you provide no contact information SBP cannot determine who you are. If you choose to disclose your information to SBP but not to your employer, SBP will redact your information prior to disclosing your report to your employer.

I’m afraid of retaliation if I file a report. Should I be?
Contact your employer to understand their anti-retribution policy.

What happens if a claim is investigated and found to be untrue?
All investigations end as soon as reports are proven to be untrue.

What happens if a claim is investigated and found to be true?
Depending on the severity of the case, reports proven to be true can result in the accused receiving additional training and/or disciplinary actions. Disciplinary actions may include involuntary termination, prosecution and/or arrest.

How long has this service been in place?
SBP’s system engine developed by Red Flag Reporting was established in 2010. Its parent organization has been in business since 1986.

Does StoneBridge Business partners and its affiliated company, EFPR Group use the system?
Yes, we implemented the system in our own firm before we launched the service to clients.

What is the cost?
The cost is based on your number of employees. Most clients view the cost as “nominal” while recognizing the benefits of detecting and deterring unethical behavior or unsafe conditions before they result in a serious crisis or litigation.

Is easy implement?
It is very easy to implement. You are provided with step-by-step directions that require only a minimal time commitment.

Can I experience a demonstration?
Yes, please contact our office at 888-247-9764 and ask to speak to a member of our team.

Can you help if a serious problem is identified and reaches the media?
Yes, we are prepared to help in that situation. We have an operating division that specializes in reputation and crisis management. They are experts in preparing you to manage the media and supporting you through the process. To learn more, please visit the Reputation and Crisis Management section of the EFPR Group website.

Have you ever witnessed something unethical or unsafe and were afraid to speak up? We have the solution.

Call us today
