For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team of CPAs and business consultants have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

340B Auditing Services

340B is becoming more scrutinized. Diversion of drugs to non-qualified patients and duplicate discounts between 340B and Medicaid rebate programs are being audited by HRSA and manufacturers. The responsibility for compliance rests with you. Gain the assurances you need by consulting with professionals who have worked with HRSA’s national administrator for years.

Our Apexus Certified Expert (ACE) 340B audit professionals stay informed by positioning themselves in various capacities with strategic partners in the industry.  Our services can help you confidently prepare for a HRSA audit and identify potential areas of exposure that could compromise your participation in the 340B program:

StoneBridge can help your organization by determining whether your program is working effectively and in accordance with 340B program requirements. Some specific areas that we consider in our review include:

  • The existence of product diversion/duplicate discounts being claimed
  • Assess adherence to guidelines with respect to eligible patients and prescribers
  • Evaluate recertification procedures and eligibility validation
  • Assess adequacy of program recordkeeping and adherence to HRSA guidelines
  • Assess your internal controls as they relate to the adherence of stated policies and procedures
  • Determine adherence to GPO prohibition guidelines (if applicable)
  • Assess your relationship with contract pharmacies
  • Review the inventory model employed and the ability to segregate 340B inventory transactions
  • Assess and test the billing effectiveness involving patient/transaction eligibility

StoneBridge has been working with various types of healthcare organizations all over the U.S. for two decades. We have extensive experience involving 340B. Let us put together a program to assess your compliance.

Concerned about your 340B program? Gain assurances, contact us today to discuss customizing a program to your needs.

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